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May 11, 2010

Convert Photo to Pencil Sketch 6.51~PSP Release~


It’s easy to make sketch from photo. Convert your photo (jpg or bmp format) into color sketch, pen-and-ink, black and white sketch.
Now, your photo become fine line art, even indistinguishable from an artist work. Creation of artistic looking hand-drawings derived from photos.

What’s new?
- You can scrawl the line with the color you pick from the photo.
- Please click Color up on the B&W Panel, it will pop up a window to make color sketch just like freehand.

Great practical function:

- You can turn your images into a sketch with a few clicks.
- This is great program for those little images beside your username on forums or instant message programs.

The usage is very easy:

1. Open a photo.
2. Click one button below photo area, the effect will occur.
3. Combine two or more button to make more excellent pictures.


Rar Password:
May 4, 2010

CyberLink PowerDVD Mark II Ultra 3D 10.0.1803.51

CyberLinks most advanced movie and media player to date, PowerDVD delivers 3D and HD movies on the PC. In other words, this software is a one-of-a-kind multimedia player which provides the best playback quality possible today. Whether it is 3D movie content, captured home videos, or your digital music files, PowerDVD lets you access them all from the same convenient player software, enhancing your experience in all kinds of new ways.
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